CodeRed Alert – Bowie Street Paving Project

Due to the ongoing paving project on Bowie Street, from Tower Road to 7th Street, Bowie Street will be closed to thru traffic in this area, today, Thursday, June 13th, for an estimated 9 hours, from 8:00am-5:00pm. If you use this road in this area, please make plans to find an alternate route. If you have any questions please call the City Hall at 787-0006 option 3 or the Public Works Department at 787-8321. Thank you.


Debido al proyecto de pavimentación en curso en Bowie Street, desde Tower Road hasta 7th Street, Bowie Street estará cerrada al tráfico en esta área hoy, jueves 13 de junio, durante aproximadamente 9 horas, de 8:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m. Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor llame al City Hall al 787-0006 opción 3 o al Public Works Department al 787-8321. Gracias.