Board Meetings and Agendas

Below, you will find a record of all agendas regarding city meetings. Records begin with 2018 and extend until now.

Please consider the following:

Meetings shall be conducted in compliance with guidance provided by the Texas
Attorney General’s Office. Facemasks are strongly encouraged.

  • The City Commission meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM.
    ORDINANCE NO. 08-02-21
    An Ordinance adjusting the “Start Time” of monthly regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners from seven PM (7:00 PM) to six P.M. (6:00 PM) was passed and approved by the Board of Commissioners at the Board of Commissioners meeting held on February 16, 2021. Board of Commissioners meetings will now be starting at 6:00 pm, beginning with the Board of Commissioners meeting on March 2, 2021.
  • The Economic Development Corporation (EDC) meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM.
  • The Planning and Zoning Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM.
  • The Zoning Board of Adjustments meeting start at 5:30 PM.

Please remember that all meetings are held in the Board of Commissioners Room located at Alamo City Hall except for AEDC meetings which are held at AEDC building located at 715 E. Business 83 Alamo, TX 78516.

Board of Commissioners Agendas & Minutes


Planning and Zoning Agendas

Keep Alamo Beautiful Committee Agenda

Zoning Board of Adjustments Agendas