



City of Alamo Intranet Webpage

Last updated: Wednesday, November 16, 2022

This is the City of Alamo’s Intranet Website. It is designed for the employees of the City of Alamo and has information pertaining to such. Future items will include forms, policies, important calendar dates and events. If there is any additional information that needs to be posted, and would be useful to employees, please contact Network Tech. This site is only available to the City Hall network and not accesible on the Internet.



Click document to view.

Employees are Highly Encouraged to wear face coverings while inside City facilities. No more than 10 employees in a room. Please refrain from visiting other departments. Clean work areas. Maintain 6 feet of social distancing. If an employee is fully vaccinated and lives with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 the employee is highly encouraged to wear a face covering while at work. Click image to enlarge.

City of Alamo is Go Green, so please turn off all lights when not in use, turn off computers at end of day, when possible print on both sides of paper, do not use disposable cups, and anything else that might harm the environment and the City of Alamo.Do not forward chain e-mail letters through city e-mail system. City e-mail system is to be used only for city business. In addition do not enter your city e-mail address in surveys, contests, personal mesages, and other areas not related to city business.

City of Alamo Website
www.alamotexas.orgFrequently used Personnel Forms
Certificate of Absence
Purchase Order Request Form
Purchase Quotations
City of Alamo Tax Exemption Certificate
Alamo Fax with City Manager Fax Number
Alamo Fax with Finance Dept Fax Number
Alamo Fax with Collections Fax Number
Alamo Fax with Mail Room Fax Number
Alamo Fax with HR Fax Number
Travel Request Form
Email Addresses
Extensions and Fax Numbers
Donation of Sick Leave
Letterhead with Finance fax number
Letterhead with Collections fax number
Letterhead with HR fax number
Court LetterheadInternet/Email Policy
Computer Use Policy
Public Information Request Form
City Building Addresses
Healthy Initiative Insurance Checklist
Purchasing Policy ManualTelephone Features
GuideEmployee Informational Links
TML Employee Benefits Pool Webpage
TMRS-Retirement Webpage
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The following days are designated as official City

*New Year’s Day January1
President’s Day 3rd Monday in Februrary
Good Friday March/April
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
*Independence Day July 4
Labor Day 1st Monday in September
Columbus Day 2nd Monday in October
*Veteran’s Day November 11
Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November
Thanksgiving Friday Friday in November
**Christmas Eve December 24
Christmas Day December 25
**New Year’s Eve December 31
***2 Individual Holiday Days Floating
* If holiday occurs on Saturday, the official holiday will be observed on Friday and if it occurs on a Sunday, the official holiday will be observed on the following Monday.
** If Christmas Day/New Year’s Day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday, Christmas Eve/New Year’s Eve will be observed on Friday and Christmas Day/New Year’s Day will be observed on Monday.
***To be requested at the employee’s discretion and taken upon approval by the employee’s department head. The individual holiday may be taken only after the anniversary date to be taken within the calendar year or forfeited.